Location: Nari-O-Shishu Kalyan Kendra ,
In collaboration with Girls Count, Nari-O-Shishu Kalyan Kendra celebrated International Women’s Day on March 11th 2023. This year’s celebration was held under the theme #DigitALL; Innovation and technology for gender equality, with focus on education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
Some of the activities to celebrate the occasion included: cycle rally, toto tableau, signature campaign, and wearing pink ribbons and white visors. Additionally, there was a film screening about son preference, cybercrime, domestic violence and gender equality. Our youth were able to express their creativity through a drawing contest about gender equality and technology and innovation for gender equality. The programme also included many entertaining performances from our talented youth such as Dance Movement Therapy, karate, and a drama about cybercrime. Moreover, visitors were able to take a walk through our bright and informative photo booth about the dangers and subsequent safety measures one should take relating to cybercrime. During the celebrations our flags were hoisted and doves were let go as a symbol of freedom of all women.
This event was dedicated to the honourable first female and female muslim DSP and IPS officer, Papiya Sultana. Her achievements and perseverance have been an inspiration to us all and we were honoured to have her grace our programme. Ms. Papiya Sultana gave a motivating speech about how her family always empowered her and how one should always follow their dreams no matter their gender. Other speeches included topics about using online platforms as a tool for one’s business by the honourable Secretary of Inner Wheel Club Mrs. Rupa Kar. Another speech was given by INSP Police Shri Triguna Roy about cybercrime and how girls are affected by it. We thank these guests for joining us in celebrating women and raising awareness about cybercrime. We would also like to thank Advocate Haider Ali Rahaman, drawing teacher Tarif Sardan, counselor Firoja Begum, teachers, local IP professionals, MLA and important figures from Taj Mahal Gram Vikas Kendra for attending our event.
Overall, this was a very special and successful day. Both our guests and other participants enjoyed the festivities and had an amazing time celebrating women and their strength. We would like to thank each and every one of our lovely staff members of NOSKK, for organising such a successful event. Without all your hard work and dedication, this occasion wouldn’t have been possible.