Through a NGO, called Helgo based in Howrah, Tikiapara, we successfully established a correspondence with a German organization which sends young people abroad for one year to commit for a voluntary service.
The organization is called “Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners” (engl.: Friends of Waldorf Education Rudolf Steiners). Usually the organization sends volunteers to Waldorf based organizations and schools. Since 2016 the German organization now supports NGOs apart of the Waldorf ones. They select these by personally visiting the NGOs, as such two workers visited NOSKK in January 2016.
Since then, we could welcome following batches of German volunteers:
August/ September 2016: Catarina Karch and Emmy Becker
August 2017: Janna Timm and Lidia Kamolz
August 2018: Celina Bittger and Anastasia Neumann
August 2019: Imane Faddad and Shirin Iqbal
August/September 2022: Lena Köbele and Maxine Dohrmann
They teach English for children but also to adolescents and adults from our community. Furthermore, they are doing drawing, computer, gymnastic, sport and dance classes with the children. This is done through our Taleem-Ki-Taqat, Bhabiswat and additional programmes.
Another part of their work is to help with our office work. Especially in completing reports in English as well as taking care of our online presence, e.g. facebook, linkedin, instagram, twitter and on this very website. Moreover, they attend youth seminars, programmes and several meetings of the organization.
Furthermore, they are the project-coordinator of the Bhabiswat Sponsorship Programme. This educational sponsorship programme was founded by the German volunteers Janna & Lidia in Junw 2016 and the current volunteers continue to manage this project.
Apart from their work, the two German Volunteers step in a cultural exchange with our community, so that our community as well as the two, achieve a new understanding about different ways of living. Our two young German women are always very independent and strong and we hope that through them, the adolescent girls can gain more self confidence and be more empowered to develop themselves. In exchange, we hope that they learn something about the Indian culture and take these experiences back home.
Please check our Volunteers Brochure for further information.