Home > Projects > Rehnuma (2013 -)


“Rehnuma” is an intervention, anchored by the National Foundation for India (“NFI”) and Centre for Social Justice (“CSJ”). Since 2013 it seeks to address exclusion and discrimination against vulnerable groups in India, particularly religious minorities. “Rehnuma” follows a model of entitlement centres which have focused on the implementation of the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for Minorities, involving a combination of outreach to increase awareness, facilitating access, and advocacy to remove systemic bottlenecks. “Rehnuma” is operational across 11 states and has touched the lives of more than 100,000 people through its 11 entitlement centres, responding to over 60,000 requests for legal advice, filing over 28,000 applications for entitlements, and providing legal aid in more than 27,500 cases.

The Project shall be implemented as hub and spoke model. The centers will operate under NOSKK which has been carrying out activities associated with the previous Rehnuma centres. The activities will be implemented at the level of each selected area. The main target group of the proposed action comprises economically backward members of religious minorities in the project areas. Other target groups of the proposed action are located at the intersectionalties of multiple vulnerabilities of gender and caste. In particular, Muslim women, Dalit Christians, Adivasi etc. and each have specific issues.

Legal Awarenss with women by lawyerCounselingAdvocacy with Minority commission